Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Life as a Movie

Thanks to Mac Tonnies at Posthuman Blues for the referral.

My life as a movie - the answer I got pretty much covers it. It's like these little quizzes can reach into the very depths of my soul!

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.

But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

It is true that I've always been a fan of Showgirls. I think it was the fact that a fair bit of it was set in a strip club, although it may have been the top notch acting.
Yeah, that's it. The top notch acting.
Paul Kimball


Mac said...

I'm an "erotic thriller." Who knew? I had myself pegged for a science fiction man.

Paul Kimball said...


It must be that Kansas City mystique you have!
